Hello! My name's Alison Segura, and I'm an actress living in Los Angeles.
Here are some things you should know about me:
My 5 favorite movies are:
Stand By Me
Raiders Of the Lost Ark
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Rear Window
I’m Originally from Caracas, Venezuela and moved to this Country when I was a kid. In order to “fit in” my family and I would dress in cowboy outfits (hats, boots, fringe shirts) and frequent the local rodeo.
I am a Mama to (1) curious 7 year old, (1) hilarious 3 year old, (1) sweet terrier mix lady dog, and lots and lots of houseplants.
I love untangling cords.
One my proudest moments was when I yelled at a taxi cab driver in NYC, “Hey, I’m walking here!”